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About The Centre Cannot hold


This play explores the forces playing at the heart of a relationship between an individual and a collective. It explores the questions - Isn’t “falling apart” inevitable as we transition from who we are brought up to be to who we are? How does this affect our relationship with the collectives we were raised in and “belong” to? How does it affect our relationship with our self? And can we survive the journey?

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer
Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold.

The centre is the core of something. Here, that 'something' is, relating. Relating of the only two entities that exist – the I, and the Collective. The two cannot but relate.  

I, the self, the individual, finds itself in a scheme of things that is often at odds with its desires. A collection of such I's becomes a Collective, which itself is a different kind of I. The both cannot but collide, cannot but pull in different directions, never to be the same ever again.  

What is going on is a perpetual act of churning - Of their dynamic, of desires and duties, of dreams and responsibilities- a churning of their relationship. The quest for knowledge, for love, for ideal action become churning rods. And out emerge questions – about right and wrong, good and bad, existence and destruction. 

Can the centre hold? If the centre will break into fragments, could we stay together? 


Written by                : Sharath Parvathavani

Dramaturg              : Sunitha M R

Design                      : Aravind Ratheesh & Svojas

Choreography      : Shikhar Martolia

Director                    : Vivek Vijayakumaran

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